Energy Healing

A man sitting on the floor with a bowl of water, engaged in a peaceful moment of reflection and tranquility.
Heal Your Energy and Restore Balance With Energy Healing

In a world where stress, anxiety and substance use are prevalent, it’s not uncommon for people to seek holistic approaches to complement traditional mental health treatments. Energy healing, an ancient practice that focuses on the body’s energy systems, is gaining recognition as a powerful tool in supporting mental health and addiction recovery. The purpose is to address imbalances in the body’s energy fields, promoting emotional stability, mental clarity and overall well-being.

Lotus Recovery offers energy healing in a group format, with Reiki, chakra balancing and meditation being some of the techniques that we use. By restoring balance in the energy field, it’s possible to heal the body naturally. Like other holistic practices, energy healing complements traditional treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy and dialectical behavior therapy.

Multicultural group engaging in therapy session, expressing feelings and supporting each other.

The Impact Mental Health and Substance Use Can Have on Energy

Everything we go through in life affects us emotionally and physically, but what many people don’t realize is that it also affects us energetically. Therefore, when you struggle with addiction or mental health problems, your energy reflects this through dependence, attachment, pain and fear.

To avoid feeling uncomfortable, you may turn even further to drugs or alcohol, creating unhealthy coping mechanisms that suppress your emotions and move you further away from healing. It’s a difficult cycle that’s hard to break! Fortunately, energy healing promotes healing by giving you more power and control over your thoughts and feelings and how information is stored in the subconscious mind.

How Energy Healing Supports Mental Health

Energy healing can be a valuable addition to traditional mental health treatments, offering a holistic approach that addresses the mind, body and spirit. Here’s how energy healing can support mental health:

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Energy healing practices like Reiki and meditation help to calm the mind and body, reducing stress and anxiety. By balancing the body’s energy, these practices promote relaxation and a sense of inner peace.

Enhances Emotional Balance

Imbalances in the body’s energy can manifest as emotional turmoil such as anger, sadness or fear. Energy healing works to harmonize these energies, helping individuals achieve emotional stability and resilience.

Supports Trauma Recovery

Trauma can disrupt the body’s energy flow, leading to long-term psychological issues. Energy healing helps to release these energetic imprints, aiding in the recovery from distressing experiences. This is why the team at Lotus Recovery often recommends energy healing for those recovering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

Energy Healing and Addiction Recovery

Addiction is a complex condition that affects the mind, body and spirit. Energy healing can play a supportive role in addiction recovery by addressing the underlying energetic imbalances that contribute to addictive behaviors. Here’s how energy healing reinforces recovery:

Addresses Emotional Triggers

Addiction often stems from unresolved emotional pain. Energy healing helps to release these emotional blockages without having to relive them, reducing the compulsion to use substances as a coping mechanism.

Promotes Physical Healing

Substance use can take a toll on the body, depleting vital energy. Energy healing practices like Reiki and meditation can help restore physical health by boosting the body’s natural healing processes. And, the more you tap into your body’s natural abilities, the more control you will have over your health and well-being.

Enhances Spiritual Connection

Many individuals in recovery find strength in reconnecting with their spiritual selves. Energy healing practices foster this connection, helping individuals find a sense of purpose and meaning in their recovery journey. Energy healing also works well alongside a 12-step program.

Young people spending time together outside at sunset

Supports Relapse Prevention

By maintaining balanced energy, individuals in recovery are better equipped to handle the challenges that accompany sobriety and life in general. Regular energy healing sessions can serve as a preventive measure, supporting long-term sobriety and preventing relapse.

Integrating Energy Healing into a Comprehensive Treatment Plan

While energy healing can be a powerful tool, it is most effective when used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes traditional therapies such as counseling, medication and support groups. It’s also important to work with a licensed mental health professional who is knowledgeable about energy healing and can help ensure a balanced approach to treatment.

Energy healing offers a unique and holistic approach to supporting mental health and addiction recovery. By addressing the body’s energy imbalances, it promotes healing on all levels—physical, emotional and spiritual. To explore energy healing and how it can support a well-rounded recovery from mental health and substance use issues, contact Lotus Recovery today.

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